Manual del Síndrome de Alienación Parental

Francisco José Fernández Cabanillas | Spanish, 2017

This book explores the hypothesis that children can be manipulated by one of their parents to hate and reject the other parent, and presents a thorough assessment on the Spanish situation at the legal, psychological, and social levels. This is a fundamental text for all magistrates, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, and educators who daily find themselves with these situationse to which a minor can be subjected. The editors and contributors for this book include PASG members José Manuel Aguilar Cuenca, Enric Carbó Sanchís, Arantxa Coca Vila, Asunción Tejedor Huerta, Paul Bensussan, and Michael Bone.


Parent Deleted: A Mother’s Fight for Her Right to Parent


Alienazione Parentale: Innovazioni Cliniche e Giuridiche