About PASG

Parental Alienation has been defined as a serious mental condition affecting hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of children and families in the U.S., and also in countries around the world.

PASG, as a U.S.-based non-profit and international organization, promotes three interlocking goals:
(1) supporting research into the causes, manifestations, identification, and interventions for this condition;
(2) educating mental health and legal professionals, policy makers, and alienated parents and grandparents; and
(3) counteracting widespread misinformation as well as disinformation regarding this topic.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below to get more information about PASG. Please note that we are unable to provide anyone with personal assistance in their legal case.

The PASG Facebook group can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/ParentalAlienationStudyGroup

The PASG YouTube channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@pasg3541