Targeted Parents Surviving Parental Alienation:Consequences of the Alienation and Coping Strategies


Lee-Maturana, S., Matthewson, M. L., & Dwan, C. (2020). Targeted parents surviving parental alienation: Consequences of the alienation and coping strategies. Journal of Child and Family Studies.


The aim of this study was to describe the consequences of being alienated from a child and to identify the coping strategies used by targeted parents to deal with the alienation. Using a qualitative descriptive design, 54 self-referred targeted parents alienated from their children participated in an in-depth interview. Narratives were analyzed through thematic analysis and commonalities in targeted parents’ consequences and coping strategies were identified. Six subthemes emerged describing different consequences experienced by targeted parents due to parental alienation: emotional, behavioral, finances-work, cognitive, physical, and social.

Also, eight different types of coping strategies were identified and classified according to the activities reported by the targeted parents. Parental alienation has serious consequences for targeted parents affecting various aspects of their lives. Targeted parents need more understanding, support and orientation to cope with their experience.


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