Documentary, • 2/10/21 Alienated victims 'Rise' up and be heard Previous "Sarah Cecilie" short film produced by the charity PACT, now Action Against Abduction You Might Also Like Parental Alienation - In the eyes of the specialists Erasing Family (2020) | Parental Alienation documentary, | US Divorce Court System "Sarah Cecilie" short film produced by the charity PACT, now Action Against Abduction Parental Alienation by Dr. Jennifer Harman | TEDxCSU (2016) Mijo tiene un dinosario (My son has a dinorsaur) This is a short video based on an illustrated book for children.
Documentary, • 2/10/21 Alienated victims 'Rise' up and be heard Previous "Sarah Cecilie" short film produced by the charity PACT, now Action Against Abduction You Might Also Like Parental Alienation - In the eyes of the specialists Erasing Family (2020) | Parental Alienation documentary, | US Divorce Court System "Sarah Cecilie" short film produced by the charity PACT, now Action Against Abduction Parental Alienation by Dr. Jennifer Harman | TEDxCSU (2016) Mijo tiene un dinosario (My son has a dinorsaur) This is a short video based on an illustrated book for children.