Member Websites
PASG is an open membership organization. We welcome professionals
(such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mediators, attorneys, and judges) and non-professionals (such as alienated parents and grandparents and adult children of parental alienation). PASG does not certify that its members have any particular expertise. Inclusion in this list of members does not represent an endorsement from PASG.
Note: PASG members are not able to edit their own entries. If you have an addition to this list or a correction for your own entry, please contact Bradley Freeman at bradley.w.freeman@vumc.org.
@TMDILH lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and has experienced parental alienation in his own family. His website: http://TellMyDaughterILoveHer.com.
Joanna Abrahams
A lawyer in Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom, she has been an in-house expert for her local BBC Radio station, appearing on BBC Radio London and BBC Radio 4 Woman’s hour. Her law firm is at http://www.setfords.co.uk.
Marvin Acklin, Ph.D.
A private practitioner and senior custody evaluator in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is an associate clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii. Dr. Acklin’s website: http://www.dracklin.com.
Christine Adams, M.D.
A child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist in private practice in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Adams works on custody issues and child sexual abuse cases. Her website: http://doctorchristineadams.com.
Jose Manuel Aguilar Cuenca, Ph.D.
A clinical and forensic psychologist in Cordoba, Spain, the first author to publish books about parental alienation in Spanish and Portuguese. His website: http://www.jmaguilar.com.
Mary Alvarez, Ph.D.
A clinical and forensic psychologist in Houston, Texas. Her website: http://drmaryalvarez.com and https://www.resetting-the-family.com.
Walter Andritzky, Dr. Phil., Dipl.-Psychologist, Dipl.-Sociologist
A psychologist in Düsseldorf, Germany, a psychological expert for the courts, co-editor of Das Parental Alienation Syndrom: Eine inter-disziplinäre Herausforderung für scheidungsbegleitende Berufe. His website in German: http://www.andritzky-online.de.
Nils-Göran Areskoug, M.D., Ph.D.
A physician and musician, Fellow of Strömstad Academy in Sweden, studied intergenerational parental alienation in Scandinavia. Dr. Areskoug’s website: https://sites.google.com/site/coleur/eupasg.
Cindy Austin, M.S., L.P.C.
Ms. Austin is a private practice licensed professional counselor in Austin, Texas. She is trained in the New Ways for Families method with high-conflict divorces. She has worked in schools, nonprofits, and in private practice. Ms. Austin is conversationally fluent in Spanish. Website: https://austinempowered.com/
Grant W. Austin, B.A., M.S., CMRS
Mr. Grant Austin is the coordinator of a support group in Orlando, Florida, for alienated grandparents. Mr. Austin’s upcoming not-for-profit book is Alienated Grandparent Stories: Journeys of Shock, Depression, Survival, Hope and Reconciliation. The book’s website http://www.alienatedgrandparentstories.com includes numerous resources on parental and grandparent alienation.
Dr. Charlie Azzopardi
Dr. Charlie Azzopardi is the Chair of the Institute of Family Therapy Malta. In the last 35 years he has worked extensively with individuals, couples and families in different problem areas and developed the risk assessment and management concept in Parental Alienation to safeguard families and children from developing Parental Alienation. IFT-Malta runs the first accredited training in Parental Alienation Studies. http://www.ift-malta.com
Rebecca Bailey, Ph.D.
A licensed psychologist in Northern California, the director of Transitioning Families, which specializes in reunification counseling. The website for Transitioning Families: http://www.transitioningfamilies.com/.
Amy J. L. Baker, Ph.D.
A research psychologist in New York, New York, author of empirical studies on parental alienation, author of several books including Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind. Her website: http://www.amyjlbaker.com.
Kelley Baker, Ph.D., L.P.C.
A counselor in Georgetown, Texas. Dr. Baker’s website: http://www.kelleybakerphd.com.
Codin Băltăgan
An organizer and manger of the Asociaţia Română pentru Custodia Comună (Romanian Association for Joint Custody) in Bucharest, Romania. The ARPCC website: http://www.arpcc.ro.
Trish Barry-Relph, Professional Doctorate/MA Advanced Social Work
Ms. Berry Relph is an independent social worker (ISW), psychotherapist, systemic family practitioner, and expert witness in Guildford, U.K. She is registered with Nagalro, the professional association for children’s guardians, family court advisors, and independent social workers in the U.K. Her website: http://www.theeaves.org.uk
Alice R. Berkowitz, Ph.D.
A clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, and forensic psychologist in Beverly Hills, California, Dr. Berkowitz works with children, adults, couples, and families with a wide spectrum of psychological disorders. As a forensic psychologist, she has performed custody evaluations and reviewed reports written by other evaluators. Her website: http://draliceberkowitz.com.
Zeynep Biringen, Ph.D.
A professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Biringen and Dr. Jennifer J. Harman co-authored Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote the Alienation of Children from Their Loving Families and established the Colorado Parental Alienation Project, which is at http://www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.
David Bluewolf
A family law paralegal in East Anglia, United Kingdom. Mr. Bluewolf is associated with the Family Law Advice Centre; their website is http://www.family-law-advice.org.
Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau, M.D.
A psychiatrist in Würzburg, Germany, co-editor of Das Parental Alienation Syndrom: Eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung für scheidungsbegleitende Berufe (The Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Interdisciplinary Challenge for Professionals Involved with Divorce), author of Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation/Disorder: A Serious Form of Psychological Abuse. His websites: http://www.pas-konferenz.de and http://www.drvboch.de.
J. Michael Bone, Ph.D.
A clinical and forensic consultant in Winter Park, Florida, co-author of The Essentials of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): It’s Real, It’s Here and It Hurts. His website: http://www.jmichaelbone.com.
David Michael Booth
Mr. David Booth, who has experienced parental alienation in his own family, hopes his shared experience will help other parents battling against the trauma of parental alienation, the specialists and experts attempting to help them, and the global professionals who research, educate, and explain this frightening terror. His website: http://arranhighlander.com.
Camelia Anca Borlean, M.Sc.
A psychologist in Oradea, Romania, has consulted to the Court of Justice regarding parental alienation in Romania. Her website: http://www.cameliaborlean.wordpress.com.
José María Bouza
A radio and television journalist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mr. Bouza has written extensively regarding children of high-conflict separation and divorce. He was the founder and president of Asociación de Padres Alejado de sus Hijos (APADESHI) (The Association of Parents Away from Their Children). The website of the association: http://www.apadeshi.com.
Borja Brañanova, MBA
Borja Brañanova, an engineer who lives and works in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has experienced parental alienation in his own family. He witnessed alienating tactics in an environment where the legal system, the social support mechanisms, and the cultural background enable and do not accept the reality of parental alienation.
He hopes to support a solid campaign at national and international levels to promote the development of family laws for the best interests of the future of the humanity. His website: https://foranychildren.org/?lang=en (Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, French, German, and English).
John Brownlee, MA
John is a psychotherapist in Nashville with experience in Parent Alienation, betrayal, and other family issues. His recent book, The Judas Kiss, Growing Beyond Betrayal and other information can be found on his website at www.brownlee.biz.
Marianne Brück, Ph.D.
Dr. Marianne Brück, who is located near Munich, Germany, is a systemic family therapist with a focus on couple and complex family therapy including families dealing with parental alienation. Website: http://www.mb-systemtherapie.org.
Nick Butcher, BVM&S, MRCVS
A veterinary surgeon near Reading, Berkshire, U.K. Dr. Butcher established the Quadstar Foundation, which aims to help children reach their aspirations and flourish. The Foundation’s website: http://www.quadstar.org.
Brendan Byrne, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and JP Byrne, Bachelor in Civil Law (Hons)
These brothers live in Dublin, Ireland. He and his brother were alienated as children. They wrote the memoir Don’t Hug Your Mother. Their website: https://donthugyourmother.wordpress.com/.
Glenn Caddy, Ph.D.
A former professor of psychology and behavioral science, now in private practice, expert in high conflict family systems and divorce. His website: http://www.info.mind-experts.com.
Enric Carbó, M.A.
A teacher of philosophy in Tortosa, Spain, has conducted research about the epistemological foundations of PAS deniers. His website: http://www.filo.cat.
Alvaro Castillo, M.Sc.
A mathematician in Mexico City, D.F., a member of the executive committee of the Mexican Association of Separated Parents (Asociación Mexicana de Padres de Familia Sep-arados, http://www.ampfs.com.mx)
Nick Child, M.D.
A child psychiatrist and family therapist in Edinburgh, Scotland, hopes to raise the profile of parental alienation by energetic organizing, presenting, and writing. His website covers many topics: http://www.forallthat.com/children-resisting-contact.
Gwendolyn Chubb, B.S.
A family court advocate in Chicago, Illinois, Ms. Chubb is the founder and head of an incorporated legal clinic, the Center for Custody Justice, which focuses exclusively on parental alienation and wrongful custody determinations. The website of the Center: http://www.custodyjustice.net.
Lisa C. Clark, M.B.A
A rejected and alienated mother in San Diego, California. Ms. Clark has been a contributing member of the Web of Narcissism forum since 2004. Her company’s website: http://ThinkerCollection.com.
Elaine Cobb
A family advocate in North Carolina, Ms.Cobb is the founder and president of Family Access, which advocates for equal shared parenting laws as well as grandparents’ rights. The organization’s website: http://www.familyaccessfightingforchildrensrights.org.
Lisa Cohen B.Pharm, M.Sc.
Based in Hertfordshire, UK, chairs the Jewish Unity for Multiple Parenting (JUMP). The website for JUMP: http://www.jump-parenting.org.uk.
Nancy Cole
The head of the Executive Team and Managing Director of Stable Paths, Miami, Florida, which offers educational, equine-assisted and dolphin-assisted, highly experiential, intensive therapeutic interventions for families impacted by separation due to moderate to severe parental alienation and familial abduction. Stable Paths website: http://www.stablepaths.com.
Zaida Colonna
Ms. Colonna is a clinical and forensic psychologist in Trieste, Italy. Her areas of expertise include: parenthood, child psychopathology, parenting plans, family and couples therapy, child sexual abuse, and allegations of sexual abuse. She deals with parental alienation in both her clinical and forensic activities, and completed training in the Family Bridges Workshop for Troubled and Alienated Parent-Child Relationships. Her website: http://www.zaidacolonna.it.
Cindy Corsi
Ms. Corsi lives near Edinboro, Pennsylvania. She has a degree in school counseling and dedicates a lot of her time trying to educate lawyers, judges and teachers in her area about the emotional abuse of children of divorce. Cindy has been involved with Parental Alienation Awareness groups for more than a decade now, more recently with
Michelle Darné
Ms. Darné is the founder of Simply Parent, a non-profit that is dedicated to forging a society where good parenting is protected in all its diverse forms and colors. She was the founder and executive producer of And Baby, the pioneer magazine, radio show, and TV series for alternative parents. She also published her story in Parent Deleted. The website for Simply Parent: http://www.SimplyParent.org.
Howie Dennison, M.Sc.
An advocate for children at Central Ohio Parental Alienation in Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Dennison has written an eBook, The APA and the Mental Health Child Abuse Scandal. His website is: http://sites.google.com/site/centralohiopa.
Michael Derry
Mr. Derry organizes events regarding parental alienation in Perth, Western Australia. He maintains relevant, up-to-date information on http://www.paaa.support, a comprehensive website regarding parental alienation for an Australian audience. Additional websites are http://www.divorcepizza.com (key information to protect children from the fallout of divorce) and http://www.whoshouldibelieve.com (for children of separating parents and the friends of alienated children).
Sietske Dijkstra, Ph.D.
A researcher, teacher, and expert on domestic violence with strong international affiliations in Utrecht, The Netherlands. She developed a basic course on parental alienation. Her website: http://www.sietske-dijkstra.com.
Andrew Doyle
A postgraduate researcher including parental alienation in the School of Law in University College Cork, Ireland, Mr. Doyle also holds the governance chair for the Alienated Children First in Ireland, lobbying government and child welfare bodies and making submissions to the UNCRC, Department of Justice, Joint Committee on the Family Court Bill, and other family law bodies in Ireland. The organization’s website: http://alienated.ie/.
Christian T. Dum, Ph.D.
In Germany, the head of Väter für Kinder (Fathers for Children). The website for the organization: http://www.beideeltern.de.
Alena Dušatková
A family and child advocate in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic. She is the vice-president of Rada pre práva diet’at’a Slovenská republika (Council for Children’s Rights of the Slovak Republic). The website of the organization: http://www.prava-deti.sk.
Sinta Ebersohn
In her campaign for fair divorce practice, Ms. Ebersohn has published many articles on the Elephant Journal, Huffington Post, IOL, News24, The Good Men Project, WomanOnline, and other platforms. In South Africa, she created a global educational resource, Fair Divorce. Her website: http://www.fairdivorce.co.za .
Leith Erikson
The director of The Australian Brotherhood of Fathers, which seeks to make changes in law with regard to child custody, access, and payment issues. Their website: http://www.theabf.com.au.
Gregory Estadt, Psy.D.
A clinical psychologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Estadt has experienced parental alienation in his own family. He is also an assistant clinical professor of psychology at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He became very interested in understanding parental alienation when he was a targeted parent several years ago. The website of his practice: https://www.estadtpsychological.com/.
Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
A school psychologist in Palm Harbor, Florida, provides forensic psychological services including child custody evaluations, attorney and client consultation, and instructional testimony informing courts about parental alienation and reunification programs. His website: http://www.drbobevans.com.
Giselle Faubel, Psy.D.
A psychologist who works at Stable Paths, Miami, Florida. Stable Paths website: http://www.stablepaths.com.
Sandra Inês Feitor
A lawyer in Lisbon, Portugal. Her website: http://feitorsandra.wixsite.com/sandrainesfeitor .
Helen Fitzsimons
Ms. Fitzsimons set up Helen Fitzsimons Family Law to offer a bespoke service children work. She has a wealth of experience in parental alienation allegations, alleged child abuse and NAI among other issues and her web-site is http://www.helenfitzsimons.co.uk.
Allison M. Foster, Ph.D.
A licensed clinical psychologist in Columbia, South Carolina, she has served as a workshop leader for Family Bridges for Alienated Children (FBAC). The website for Forensic Family Associates: http://www.forensicfamily.com.
Rosemary Frank, MBA, CDFA, CFE
A financial services professional in Brentwood, Tennessee. Ms. Frank’s website: http://www.DollarsOfDivorce.com .
Véronique Gengler
A family and judicial mediator and a family and couples counsellor in Antibes, France, she specializes in therapeutic intervention for parents in high-conflict separations. Her web site: http://www.therapie-familiale-mediation.fr.
Monica Giglio
An artist, educator, writer, speaker, life coach, and alienated mom. She is founder of SPEAK (Stop Parental Emotional Abuse of Kids) Worldwide which promotes early intervention and prevention of severed parent/child bonds in the aftermath of divorce. Her Facebook page has the same name. Her website: http://www.speakw.org.
Errol E. Goetsch, B.A., M.B.A.
Mr. Goetsch is a director of a child protection organisation and divorce mediation facility in Johannesburg, South Africa, and founder of SoSaD (Save our Sons and Daughters), a parental alienation support group. His websites are: http://www.xe4.org/thejrcand https://wbs-za.academia.edu/ErrolGoetsch.
Joseph Goldberg
A family law consultant in Aurora, Ontario, and Winter Park, Florida, the founder of the Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome. His consulting practice website: http://www.ParentalAlienation.ca. His educational website: http://www.ParentalAlienationEducation.com.
Jill Goldson, M.A.
The director of The Family Matters Centre in Auckland, New Zealand, Ms. Goldson is experienced in social work, counselling, family mediation, and dispute resolution. The website for the Centre: http://www.thefamilymatterscentre.co.nz.
John Gomez
Having lived in Japan for 20 years, the founder and current chairman of an organization, Kizuna Child-Parent Reunion (Kizuna CPR), which works toward restoring the human rights of children in Japan, so every child can once again enjoy relationships with both parents. Their website: http://www.kizuna-cpr.org.
Lori L. Gonzalez, Ph.D., LPC-Intern
A school counselor in Allen, Texas, works with families in low social economic situations. Her webpage: http://www.communitycounselingassociates.com/lori-gonzalez-lpc-intern.html.
Linda Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW
A family therapist in Long Island, New York, author of The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Family Therapy and Collaborative Systems Approach to Amelioration. Her website: http://www.endparentalalienation.com. The website for her treatment program: http://www.turningpoints4families.com.
Stuart Graham, M.Sc.
Mr. Graham is a forensic attachment consultant specialising in attachment-related court evaluations in the United Kingdom, including resist/refuse/reject cases of alleged parental alienation afservices.online. He provides independently accredited, Continued Professional Development and family training for parental alienation at http://www.caftt.co.uk.
Eric Green, Ph.D., LPC-S, RPT-S, S.P.
Mr. Green maintains a private practice in child and family psychotherapy in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is the editor of Play Therapy with Vulnerable Populations: No Child Forgotten and other books. Dr. Green is a consultant with Better Options Initiative. His website: http://www.drericgreen.com.
Trish Guise, MBA
Ms. Guise is an advocate for victims of high-conflict divorce and postseparation abuse in Canada. She trains clients on: high-conflict behaviors that lead to parental alienation; communication strategies to mitigate antagonism; evidence documentation; and mitigating the imbalance of power. Website: http://www.trishguise.com.
Guglielmo Gulotta, Full Professor
Professor of forensic psychology at the University of Turin, Italy, co-author of La Sindrome di Alienazione Parentale (PAS): Lavaggio del cervello e programmazione dei figli in danno dell’altro genitore (The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): Brainwashing and Programming of Children to the Detriment of the Other Parent. His website: http://www.fondazionegulotta.org.
Jennifer J. Harman, Ph.D., and Zeynep Biringen, Ph.D.
Professors at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, they published Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote the Alienation of Children from Their Loving Families. Dr. Harman and Dr. Biringen also established the Colorado Parental Alienation Project, which is at http://www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.
Steven Hassan, M.Ed., LMHC, NCC
Mr. Steven Hassan has expertise in cults, mind control, and undue influence, as these phenomena occur in families, parental alienation, mini-cults, religious cults, therapy groups, political groups, institutional abuse, multi-level marketing, human trafficking, and violent extremism. Mr. Hassan was the founding director of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center, https://freedomofmind.com/. He is the director of the program, Freedom from Undue Influence, https://freedomfromundueinfluence.org/.
Susan Heitler, Ph.D.
A private practice clinical psychologist, author and psychologytoday.com blogger from Denver Colorado. The Author page on prescriptionswithoutpills.com includes an overview of her work with links to all of her clinical practice, publications, podcasts, blogs and continuing education webinars.
Lena Hellblom Sjögren, Ph.D.
An investigative forensic psychologist in Siljansnäs, Sweden, Dr. Hellblom Sjögren has conducted research regarding parental alienation for more than 25 years and published Barnets rätt till familjeliv: 25 svenska fall av föräldra (The Child’s Right to Family Life: 25 Swedish Cases of Parental Alienation). Her website: http://www.avskildabarn.se/secludedchildren.se.
Phillip Hendrix, M.A., M.B.A.
Mr. Hendrix is a counselor, child access provider, family mediator, parent educator, parenting coordinator, and former child custody evaluator in Castle Rock, Colorado. As a specialist in high conflict divorce, domestic violence and parental alienation, he also serves as an expert witness and leads an in-person education and advocacy group (Colorado PA Support Group). His website: http://www.covenantcounselors.com.
Matts Hertsberg
Mr. Matts Hertsberg, who lives in Stockholm, Sweden, is Chairman of PappaBarn, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the child’s need of both parents. The organization’s website: http://www.pappabarn.se.
Marie-France Hirigoyen, M.D.
A psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Paris, France, author of Abus de faiblesse et autres manipulations (Abuse of Weakness and Other Manipulations). Her website: http://www.mariefrance-hirigoyen.com.
Cindy Hirsch
A family advocate in Los Angeles, California, is CEO of ISNAF (International Support Network for Alienated Families (ISNAF), a nonprofit organization providing support, education, awareness, and advocacy for families affected by parental alienation. The website: http://www.isnaf.info .
Anton Hooton
Mr. Anton Hooton, who lives in Australia, created a free service, Where Are You Dad?, which helps fathers reconnect with their children. The website for his program: http://www.whererudad.com.
Roxie Howard
A mediator and parenting investigator in Fargo, North Dakota. Her website: http://www.roxiehoward.com
Tom Janssen
A technologist in Antwerp, Belgium. He is the chief executive officer of JATO Mentorship and Coaching, an institute to help and coach alienated parents with their grief. His personal blog: http://tom-janssen.blogspot.be/.
Neil Jones
Mr. Jones lives in Wales in the United Kingdom. Mr. Jones is the founder of Absent Limited. The website for Absent Limited: http://www.absentforyou.com.
Ashish S. Joshi
A lawyer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mr. Joshi has been admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and State Bars of New York, Michigan, District of Columbia, and Gujarat, India. Mr. Joshi’s practice focuses on complex litigation including cases involving severe parental alienation, international child abduction, and false allegations of child sexual abuse stemming from parental alienation. His website: http://joshiattorneys.com.
Rita Kenefic, M.S.
A retired reading specialist in Warrington, Pennsylvania. Her blog site: https://www.helpurchildread.com.
Rini J. Kerver, Ph.D.
A psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and forensic psychologist in The Hague, Netherlands. His website: http://www.inpsychotherapie.com.
Živilė Kėrytė
A child psychologist in Kaunas, Lithuania, is the administrator of The Institute of Family Relations in Kaunas. The website of the Institute: http://www.ssinstitut.lt/en/for-everyone.
Joan T. Kloth-Zanard, R.S.S., L.C.
A counselor and certified guardian ad litem, author of Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss the Signs? Dealing with Hostile Parenting and Parental Alienation. Her website: http://www.PAS-Intervention.com.
Peter Knudsen
A certified hypnotherapist in Store Heddinge, Denmark. Mr. Knudsen created a law firm ( http://bpm-juristfirma.se/vad-vi-jobbar-med/pas) in Limhamn, Sweden. Mr. Knudsen also founded a nonprofit organization ( http://www.bpm-parental-alienation-support-group-skandinavien.dk) for the purpose of increasing awareness regarding parental alienation, supporting victims, and educating professionals.
Cara E. Koch, D.Min.
Dr. Cara E. Koch, who lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is author of the book, From Heartbreak to Healing: Resolving Parental Alienation and has experienced parental alienation in her own family. She hopes to participate in the effort to increase public awareness and gain support for recognizing, treating, and stopping parental alienation. Her website: https://carakoch.com.
Heleen Koppejan, M.Sc.
A psychologist working on her Ph.D. at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, she is interested in and conducting research regarding parental alienation. Her website: http://www.hechtscheiden.com.
Stan Korosi, M. Counseling
A professional counselor and psychotherapist in Melbourne, Australia, director of Overcoming Parental Alienation, founding director of Parental Alienation Australia and New Zealand (PAANZ). His website: http://www.dialogueingrowth.com.au.
James W. Kraayeveld
Mr. Kraayeveld is a family law attorney in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His law firm has handled numerous cases involving parental alienation cases, included cases with false allegations of sexual and physical abuse. The firm’s website is http://www.kraayeveld.com.
Edward Kruk, M.S.W., Ph.D.
A professor of social work at the University of British Columbia and family mediator in Vancouver. His research and teaching activities focus on parental estrangement and alienation, and the viability of shared parenting as a viable alternative approach to the legal determination of parenting after divorce. His website: http://www.edwardkruk.com.
Courtney Lage
A previously alienated mother who is now working as an attorney with an emphasis on parental alienation and family law. Her law firm is: http://www.desertcanyonlaw.com.
Lora Lee, M.Sc., M.A., B.A.
A psychoanalytic and developmental psychologist in Hong Kong. Her website: http://www.loralee.info.
Les Linet, M.D.
A psychiatrist in private practice in Princeton, New Jersey, Dr. Linet has created approximately 20 educational YouTube videos on parental alienation. His website: http://www.LesLinetMD.com.
Marieke Lips
An independently licensed child representative (Kindbehartiger) in the Netherlands, is the director of Beroepsorganisatie Kindbehartiger (the Association of Child Representatives). She is the author of the book Bekrast (Scratched). Her website: http://www.kidsinbetween.nl. The website of Beroepsorganisatie Kindbehartiger: http://www.kindbehartiger.nl.
Monika Logan, M.A., L.P.C., LSOTP
A private practitioner in Frisco, Texas. Her website: http://texaspcs.org/about-us/monika-logan.
Demosthenes Lorandos, Ph.D., J.D.
A psychologist and attorney in Ann Arbor, Michigan, co-editor of The International Handbook of Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: The Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals. His website:http://www.psychlaw.net.
Brian Ludmer, B.Comm., L.L.B.
An attorney in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, experienced in dealing with complex family law cases involving parental alienation. His website: http://www.ludmerlaw.com.
Loretta Maase, M.A., L.P.C.
Ms. Maase, a licensed professional counselor in Austin, Texas, specializes in assessing and treating parental alienation. Ms. Maase provides Turning Points for Families – Texas four day intensive treatment for severely alienated children, and conducts parental alienation assessments nationwide. Ms. Maase’s website is: http://www.parentrise.com/.
Roy Mackay
A family law reform campaigner in Kelso, Scotland, he is a founder member of the Group for the Systemic Study of Parental Alienation (SSoPA) in the U.K. and Ireland. Mr. Mackay’s blogs: https://barreportersworkinggroup.wordpress.com and https://expofunction.org.uk.
Catherine MacWillie
Retired from the Los Angeles Police Department, the CEO of Custody Calculations, Ms. MacWillie is a child custody and divorce coach. She is a past president of Stop Parental Alienation of Children and a former board member of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization. Her website: http://www.custodycalculations.com
Brett W. Martin, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.
Mr. Martin, an attorney who specialized in the representation of fathers in custody disputes, is now a District Court judge in Adams County, Colorado.
Bayan E. Masoud, M.A.
A developmental and therapeutic play specialist in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Ms. Masoud works for a nonprofit organization, the Almawaddah Society for Family Development. The website of the Almawaddah Society for Family Development: http://www.almawaddah.org.sa.
Ian Maxwell
The National Manager of Families Need Fathers Scotland and previously Deputy Director of One Parent Families Scotland. The website for Families Need Fathers Scotland: http://www.fnfscotland.org.uk.
Yoav Mazeh, LL.B., M.St., D.Phil.
Mr. Mazeh is head of the Family, Equality & Law Research Institute and associate professor of law at Ono Academic College in Israel. Dr. Mazeh’s SSRN page is: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=330702.
Dawn McCarty, B.S., M.S., M.B.A.
Ms. Dawn McCarty is a cybersecurity professional in the greater Tampa Bay area, Florida. As an adult child survivor of abandonment, parental childhood abduction, and severe parental alienation, Ms. McCarty speaks on the child’s perspective to educate the general public and work with legal/mental health experts. She is a co-founder of the website, Humanly Possible Channel: http://www.humanlypossiblechannel.com.
Lady Catherine Meyer, CBE
A leading child advocate and campaigner in the United Kingdom, she is the founder and chief executive of Parents and Abducted Children Together (PACT). The purpose of PACT is to address the growing problem of missing and abducted children at home and abroad. Its website: http://www.pact-online.org.
Carly Gillotte Miller, M.S., M.F.T.
A marriage and family therapist and divorce mediator in Lewes, Delaware. Ms. Miller is the co-owner of Cape Integrated Wellness, L.L.C., which has the website: http://www.capeintegratedwellness.com.
Emily Moon, LPC, NCPC
A counselor in Franklin, Tennessee. Her website: http://www.emilyhastings.net.
Joseph H. Nivin, Esq., B.A., J.D.
A family and matrimonial law attorney with offices in Queens, New York, and in midtown Manhattan. Mr. Nivin is the author of the article, “The Jurisprudence of Parental Alienation.” He is a member of the Assigned Counsel/Attorneys for Children Panel of Queens Family Court and is certified to represent both indigent litigants and children in Family Court cases at both the trial and appellate levels. His website is http://www.nivinlaw.com.
Olga Odinetz, Ph.D.
A research scientist in Paris, France, the founding president of the Association Contre L’aliénation Parentale. The organization’s websites are: http://www.acalpa.org and http://www.dailymotion.com/ALCAPA.
Jeff Opperman
Danbury, Connecticut, author of A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation (under the penname, Michael Jeffries). His website: http://www.afamilysheartbreak.com.
Alison O’Mahony, B.A.
She holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Systemic Practice,and is a family therapy practitioner in London, United Kingdom. She established Be StepWise, which focuses on educating, supporting, and counseling blended families. The website of Be StepWise: http://www.bestepwise.co.uk.
Marios Panaou
A primary school teacher in Cyprus, the creator of Cyprus Fatherhood Initiative, a group of people promoting married and divorced fathers’ active and positive involvement in their children’s lives. The organization’s website: http://www.cyprusdads.org.
Gemma Parker, BA, MSc, D Clin Psy, CPsychol
Dr. Parker is a clinical psychologist in Manchester, United Kingdom, with a special interest in parental alienation. She has set up a social enterprise called Raising Relationships intended to provide psychological interventions for separated families. Her website: http://www.raisingrelationships.co.uk.
Marco Pingitore
A forensic psychologist, psychotherapist, and criminologist who practices in Cosenza, Italy, he is interested in parental alienation in Italy and in other countries. His websites: http://www.psicologiagiuridica.eu and http://www.alienazioneparentale.it.
David T. Pisarra, Esq.
Mr. David T. Pisarra is a divorce and child custody lawyer in Los Angeles, California. He has primarily represented fathers in court who are seeking equal parenting time with their children. His website: http://www.MensFamilyLaw.com.
Alyse Price-Tobler, MCAP
Ms. Alyse Price-Tobler, an adult survivor of severe parental alienation, is a trauma-informed clinical psychotherapist specializing in parental alienation in Mittagong, New South Wales, Australia. At the Bowral Road Counselling and Psychotherapy Center, she provides counselling for adult survivors of parental alienation as well as alienated parents. Websites: http://www.alyseprice-tobler.com and http://www.humanlypossiblechannel.com.
Richard Purisky
A child advocate in Leesburg, Virginia, has published a book, Abuse & Betrayal: The Cautionary True Story of Divorce, Mistakes, Lies and Legal Abuse, regarding his own experiences with parental alienation. He has set up an organization, the National Coalition against Parental Alienation, an organization for facilitating awareness and effective solutions for PAS. His website: http://www.againstpas.org.
Jasmina Radulj, B.A.
An energy healer who lives in Croatia, Ms. Radulj maintains two websites. The English website is parentalalienationhealing.com, intended for the international audience, where the main topic is healing from parental alienation. The Croatian website is http://www.lifewithalienatedchildren.com, where she explains parental alienation and, in her blog, writes about her life as an alienated parent.
Kathleen Reay, Ph.D.
Is the founder and clinical director of the Family Reflections Reunification Program for severely alienated children and their family members in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. She is the author of Toxic Divorce: A Workbook for Alienated Parents. Dr. Reay’s websites: http://www.familyreflectionsprogram.com. and http://www.drkathleenreay.com.
Ann O’Keeffe Rodgers, B.A.
Ms. O’Keeffe Rodgers is a targeted parent who seeks to learn and grow from her own high-conflict divorce. She is a proponent of bibliotherapy and support groups. Website: https://okeefferodgers.wixsite.com/hope.
Jose Ignacio Rodriguez
A victim of parental alienation in San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is part of Asociacion Latinoamericana contra el Sindrome de Alienacion Parental and website http://www.facebook.com/StopParentalAlienationEnPuertoRico.
Michael F. Roe, J.D.
A family law lawyer – focusing on high-conflict divorce and custody cases – in Naperville, Illinois. Mr. Roe’s website: https://www.illinois-attorney.net/about-us.html. His blog: http://www.illinoisdivorcelawyerblog.com.
Ronald R. Rohner, Ph.D.
Professor emeritus at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, founder of the Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection. The Center’s website: http://www.csiar.uconn.edu
Mark D. Roseman, Ph.D.
Dr. Mark Roseman is an expert in child custody and high-conflict divorce in Delray Beach, Florida. He is the author of Preserving Family Ties, An Authoritative Guide to Divorce and Child Custody, for Parents and Family Practitioners, which examines research affecting child outcomes and improving child custody decisions. Website: http://www.markdavidroseman.com.
Kim Ross, LCSW
A social worker and child, adolescent, and adult therapist in Lakeland, Florida, where she works for BayCare School-Based Services and at the Toby Center for Family Transitions. Their website is: http://www.thetobycenter.org.
Lisa Rothfus, LCSW
Ms. Rothfus, a licensed clinical social worker in Austin, Texas, offers interventions for families who are in need of alienation assessments and reunification therapy. She helped develop a program, Family Clarity, that offers a comprehensive assessment of the existence and severity of alienation and estrangement in divorce and custody cases, as well as offering the treatment for these cases. The website for the program: http://www.lisarothfus.com.
Robert Samery
A lay advocate for research and education regarding parental alienation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is Chair of the Board and Public Policy Director of the Canadian Association for Equality. The organization’s website is http://www.equalitycanada.com.org.
Marsha Schechtman, LCSW
A licensed clinical social worker in Roswell, Georgia, who specializes in working with families involved in divorce and/or child custody disputes. Her website: http://atlantabehavioralconsultants.com.
Inbal Shani Greenberg
Inbal Shani Greenberg, a master in conflict resolution, is a psychotherapist in Rishon Le-Zion, Israel. Ms. Shani Greenberg experienced parental alienation in her own family and reunited with her twin boys several years ago. She provides the following services (in English/Hebrew): individual therapy, family therapy, reunification therapy, mediation, parent coaching, and educating mental health and legal professionals. Website: http://www.inbalgreenberg.com. Email: in-bal.s.greenberg@gmail.com.
Paul Siegel, B.A., M.B.A.
Mr. Siegel is an experienced entrepreneur in New York, New York, and he is working to raise money and donate to organizations that address the problem of parental alienation. He created Paul’s Perky Produce as a “Happy, Healthy and (W)holesome™” venture to help others understand there is life after parental alienation. His business ventures include: http://www.starweavergroup.com, http://www.starweaver.com, http://www.paulsperkyproduce.com, and http://www.achievelive.co.
Sverker Sikström, Ph.D.
A professor and head of the Cognitive Division at Lund University, Lund, Sweden. He is conducting research on biases in “Communication of physical and psychological violence in custody cases.” Professor Sikström’s webpage: http://www.psy.lu.se/en/sverker-sikstrom.
Amanda Sillars
Located in Applecross, Western Australia, started an organization, Parental Alienation Australia, with the mission of raising awareness regarding parental alienation. The website of Parental Alienation Australia: parentalalienationaustralia.org.au. Ms. Sillars was also the founder and director of Eeny Meeny Miney Mo Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Australia that works to protect children from the severe risks that arise during and after family separation. Their website: http://www.emmm.org.au.
Traci L. Slatton
A New York City based journalist and the author of eleven books of fiction and non-fiction. Her website: http://www.tracilslatton.com. Her Huffington Post column can be found at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/traci-l-slatton.
Petrina Steer
A clinical massage therapist in Mosman, New South Wales, Australia. Her website: http://www.trinasteermassage.com.au.
Sarah Squires
A social worker, registered counsellor, and life coach in Lincoln, United Kingdom, she provides The Nurturing Coach, a support service designed for individuals dealing with narcissistic parents and parental alienation. Ms. Squires is the author of Communicating With A Narcissist and Help! My Child Is Being Used As A Weapon. Website: https://thenurturingcoach.co.uk. She is also the creator of the Get Court Ready programme, designed specifically for parents facing coercive control, post separation abuse and parental alienation. Website http://www.getcourtready.co.uk.
Chaim Steinberger
An attorney in New York, New York. His website: http://www.theNewYorkDivorceLawyers.com.
Jan M. J. Storms, M.A.
As an expert in the field of consciousness from the Netherlands, he guides people in recovering from the damage they have incurred in destructive relationships and trains professionals in recognizing and managing psychopathy. His book, Destructieve Relaties op de Schop – Psychopathie Herkennen en Hanteren (Turning Around Destructive Relationships – Recognizing and Handling Psychopathy) helps people recognize various types of psychopathy as well deal with and protect themselves from it. Mr. Storms is the founder and director of the child protection organization, AMBAjeugd, at the website: https://ambajeugd.org.
Asunción Tejedor Huerta, Ph.D.
A forensic psychologist in Asturias, Spain, Dr. Tejedor studied parental alienation in Spain, Columbia, and Mexico, and taught courses for the Official College of Psychologists in Spain. Her website: http://www.dialogogabinetepsicologico.com.
Nicola Tew, B.Sc. (Hons)
A counsellor, psychotherapist, and Registered Member of the British Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) from Nottinghamshire, UK. Her website: http://www.couragetherapies.co.uk .
Ole Texmo
A writer in Oslo, Norway, founder of Forum for menn og omsorg (Forum for Men and Caring). His website: http://www.krisesenter.org.
Robert Thompson
Mr. Thompson, who lives in Austin, Texas, provides coaching services for anyone dealing with a high-conflict marriage, divorce, or parental alienation situations, particularly when dealing with custody evaluations and concerns. He also maintains a referral network for other professional service providers having to do with these concerns. His website: http://www.sherpa-coaching.com.
Cherie Thorpe
A targeted parent and domestic violence abuse survivor, Ms. Thorpe resides in Perth, Western Australia. She offers a one-on-one, not-for-profit counselling service for targeted, alienated parents, empowering them with help, advice, education and knowledge. Her website: http://www.pathogenicparentingsite.wordpress.com.
Dean Tong, M.Sc., CFC
Mr. Tong is a certified forensic consultant, author, and trial consultant in Port Richey, Florida. He specializes in high-conflict and protracted child abuse, child sexual abuse, child custody, and sex crimes court cases, as well as the field of parental alienation. His most recent book was Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused. His websites: http://www.abuse-excuse.com and port.academia.edu/DeanTong.
Linda Turner
Ms. Turner is a counselor, therapist, and coach, who experienced parental alienation in her own family. She offers help, support, and therapy to alienated parents. Ms. Turner is accredited in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, and life coaching. Website: parentalalienationpas.com.
Jacqueline Vanbetlehem, RSW, Acc.F.M.
A registered social worker and an accredited family mediator in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, she is a trained team leader with Family Bridges: A Workshop for Troubled and Alienated Parent-Child Relationships. Her website: http://www.vanbetlehem.ca.
Erik van der Waal, B.Sc.
A qualified consultant/mediator in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, Mr. van der Waal’s mediation/consulting/training company is HerVerbinden (Reconnect). He has specialized in high conflict divorce with various situations of parental alienation. The website of HerVerbinden: http://www.herverbinden.nl.
Birutė van der Weg-Bražiūnienė
A native of Lithuania and now a resident of the Netherlands, has founded an organization in Lithuania, Asociacijos Prieš Tėvų Atstūmimą (Association against Parental Alienation). Her website: http://www.atstumimosindromas.info.
Benoit Van Dieren, Ph.D.
A psychologist in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, Dr. Van Dieren developed a legal and therapeutic intervention for parents in high-conflict separations. His website: http://www.separation-parentale.eu.
Margreeth van Haaften, M.A.
A psychologist with a clinical practice in the Netherlands (near Amster-dam), is experiencing parental alienation in her own family. Her website: http://www.psycholoogalmere.nl.
Andries van Tonder, CF-PAAA, B.Tech., DipEd.
Mr. van Tonder lives in Enfield, Ireland, was the founder of Alienated Person Support and a founding member of the Parental Alienation Awareness Association (PAAA), which is recognized in many jurisdictions as a certifying authority. His web page: http://www.aps.ie/andries.
Julie Verner, Ph.D.
Dr. Verner is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Glendora, California. Dr. Verner is a workshop leader for Family Bridges. Her website: http://www.TheCaringParent.com.
Kellie A. Voyich, J.D.
An attorney, mediator, and guardian ad litem who specializes in domestic relations law and mediation work in the Paradise and Gallatin Valleys of Montana. Ms. Voyich is also a trained workshop leader for Family Bridges for Alienated Children. Her website: http://www.andersonandvoyich.com.
Isabelle Vuistiner-Zuber
Ms. Vuistiner-Zuber’s health practice is in Granges, Valais, Switzerland. She recently published Protection de l’enfance: Lettre ouverte à tous ses acteurs (Child protection: Open letter to all its actors). Her website: http://www.cabinetequilibre.ch. Ms. Vuistiner-Zuber and her husband founded the Mouvement Suisse pour la Coparentalité Responsable (Swiss Movement for Responsible Co-parenting), which is at http://www.mscr.online.
Shirley Wantland
A treatment placement consultant in Sausalito, California, Ms. Wantland is the co-founder and principal of Recovery Consultants, LLC. That organization specializes in working with alienated families to find the appropriate therapeutic programs and transportation services nationally for severely alienated adolescents and young adults. Their website: http://www.recovery-consultants.com.
Roelien Watson, LLB
Ms. Watson, an attorney in Pretoria, South Africa, is the director and co-founder of The Parental Alienation Foundation of South Africa, a nonprofit organization established to create awareness and educate legal and other professionals regarding parental alienation. The organization’s web site: http://www.awareness.org.za.
Monty N. Weinstein, Psy.D.
Dr. Monty Weinstein, a forensic psychologist, has evaluated thousands of families and has testified regarding child custody and parental alienation throughout the U.S. He is the author of From the Mob to the Therapist’s Chair. His website: http://www.familyunity.com.
Sue Whitcombe, DCounsPsych
A Chartered Psychologist and HCPC Registered Counselling Psychologist, Dr. Whitcombe delivers interventions for children, adults, and families impacted by alienation and estrangement. She is currently developing collaborative provision to provide affordable interventions for families in Wales. She has attained approval from the British Psychological Society (BPS) for training in parental alienation. Her website: http://www.fpscic.org.
Phil Whitaker, BMedSci, BM BS, MA
A general medical practitioner living near Bath, UK, Dr. Whitaker is an award-winning novelist with five books published to date, and he writes a fortnightly column on health matters in the New Statesman. His website: http://www.philwhitaker.co.uk.
Francesca Wiley, Q.C.
A barrister in London, United Kingdom. Her websites: http://www.1gc.com. and http://www.francescawileyqc.com.
Chelsey L. Williams, B.A.
Ms. Williams created the Parental Alienation Global Forum as a way to share information and resources about parental alienation. The website of the Forum: https://www.facebook.com/paglobeldirectory/?ref=hl.
Shawn Wygant, M.A.
Mr. Wygant lives in Oscoda, Michigan, and is a forensic psychological researcher and consultant. His website is: http://www.psychlaw.net.
Joep Zander
Deventer, Netherlands, author of Moeder-kind-vader: een drieluik over ouderverstoting (Mother-Father-Child: A Trilogy about Parental Alienation, editor of Verpasseerd ouderschap: loyaliteitsmisbruik en ouderverstotingssyndroom (Parenting Broken by PAS: Loyalty Abuse and Parental Alienation Syndrome). His website: http://www.joepzander.nl.
Matej Zaplotnik
A mental health professional who works with divorced families, lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Mr. Zaplotnik is the director of Svetovalno izobraževalni Center MIT (Counseling Education Center MIT). He has developed knowledge about parental alienation in Slovenia. The website of the Counseling Education Center MIT: http://www.centermit.si.
Nelson Zicavo Martínez, Master of Clinical Psychology
He is at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile, author of Crianza Compartida, SAP, Padrectomía (Shared Parenting, PAS, Parentectomy) and Padres Separados: Cómo Criar Juntos a Sus Hijos (Separated Fathers: How to Raise Their Children Together). His website is http://www.nelsonzicavo.com.