Parental Alienation Study Group, Inc (PASG), is a nonprofit international organization of mental health professionals, legal professionals, targeted parents and grandparents, and child and family advocates who are interested in the study of parental alienation.

“PASG is an international organization that promotes three interlocking goals: supporting research into the causes, educating, and counteracting widespread misinformation regarding parental alienation.”
-William Bernet, M.D., PASG Founder
Featured Books by our Members

Impactful Recent Article
by a Prominent Member
Countering Arguments Against Parental Alienation as A Form of Family Violence and Child Abuse
Published in The American Journal of Family Therapy
by Edward Kruk and Jennifer J. Harman
Selected passage: “The intentional misrepresentation of data and key findings on family violence, PA, and shared parenting research results in significant harms befalling children and parents. Those who make false claims and report erroneous information, ignoring the multitude of current scientific data at their disposal, are culpable of a breach of ethical responsibility. It is notable that the most vocal critics of the concept of PA neither publish empirical research on the topic, nor participate at international conferences to present and discuss their perspectives, and be held accountable to the scientific community”.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some general definitions and descriptions of parental alienation.
The Five-Factor Model helps to distinguish parental alienation and parental estrangement.
Yes, mental health and legal authorities everywhere consider causing severe parental alienation to be a form of child psychological abuse.
The concept of parental alienation is in DSM-5, but not the actual words.
Severely alienated children do not give reliable explanations of their feelings and opinions.
Yes, the alienated child is mentally kidnapped and brainwashed.