Books by PASG Members

Many PASG members are faculty members of universities in the United States and other countries. They have engaged in extensive clinical work and research regarding parental alienation. As a group, they have published hundreds of scholarly papers, book chapters, and books, some of which are listed here. The inclusion of any book on this website does not confer approval of the book or its author by the PASG Board of Directors.

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Children of Divorce: A Practical Guide for Parents, Therapists, Attorneys, and Judges

William Bernet, Don R. Ash | English, 2007

This book speaks to the adults who deal with children of divorce–parents, therapists, attorneys, and judges–and gets them all on the same page. The authors believe that parents and professionals should be able to communicate with a common language regarding the children of divorce. This book contains much specific advice on how to achieve basic goals: children should have a good relationship with both parents; divorced parents should find ways to make life as normal as possible for their children; and divorced parents and their children should accept the inevitable losses and disappointments and move on with their lives. Children of Divorce is organized around the use of parenting plans, agreements that are developed through the collaboration of the parents rather than imposed by a judge.

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