Books by PASG Members
Many PASG members are faculty members of universities in the United States and other countries. They have engaged in extensive clinical work and research regarding parental alienation. As a group, they have published hundreds of scholarly papers, book chapters, and books, some of which are listed here. The inclusion of any book on this website does not confer approval of the book or its author by the PASG Board of Directors.
Séparations avec enfants: Conflits, violences, manipulations
Marie-France Hirigoyen | French, 2024
When parents separate, the child, who occupies a central place within the family, often becomes the focal point of conflicts. Their suffering is not so much linked to the breakup itself but to the way it happens. Despite their good intentions, parents, overwhelmed by their own emotions, sometimes struggle to protect the child. The most harmful effects are observed when, in a context of violent marital interaction, one parent (or sometimes both) uses the child as a witness, fueling their sense of powerlessness.
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Síndrome de Alienación Parental: Una forma de maltrato
Asunción Tejedor Huerta | Spanish, 2015
With the update of this book (2015), the author has wanted to present the current incidence of PAS or Parental Alienation (PA) in our country and, observing the evolution that this term has had in other countries, study how the evolution may be in our country. It includes a new chapter with the latest on PA. The aim is to provide information on this problem that professionals who work with families in separation or divorce processes are increasingly encountering.
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European Journal of Parental Alienation Practice
Brian O’Sullivan | English, 2023
The European Journal of Parental Alienation Practice seeks to advance understanding of Parental Alienation in the context of human systems such as couples, families, professional networks, and wider groups, and how to most effectively conceptualise and intervene in such systems. It will publish articles on theory, research, practice, and training, written in language that is accessible to social, legal, and mental health professionals working with families.
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YOU-KNOW-WHO: An Alienated Daughter’s Memoir
Dana Laquidara | English, 2023
Even when parents divorce, their children are allowed to keep loving both of them. At least that is how it should be. But shortly after Dana's parents split up, her whole maternal family is cast out of her life. Traumatized but afraid to upset her father, Dana obediently goes along with this plan of erasing the past. Over time, her mother becomes a fading memory, an outline in her imagination, etched in colors. Red hair, white skin, the same blue eyes as Dana's. Unable to voice her yearning to have her mother back, or even to ask questions about her, Dana holds on to proof of her mother's existence wherever she can find it.
In this harrowing memoir, Dana makes her way through her lonely childhood and teenage years, and through her father's second marriage with the woman she is told to call mother. Dana tries to fill the emptiness left by her mother's absence, but she eventually learns that she must harness the courage to face the truth, whether or not that leads her back to her mother.
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Navigating the Maze During Treatment of Adult Survivors of Child Psychological Abuse: Severe Parental Alienation
Alyse Price Tobler | English, 2024
A Comprehensive Resource Guide for Mental Health Practitioners, Offering Insights, Strategies and Risk Mitigation from a PhD Thesis on the Challenges Faced by Practitioners Treating Adult Child Survivors.
Dr Alyse Price-Tobler, PhD (UniSC), an academic researcher in child psychological abuse related to severe level parental alienation and clinical psychotherapist (MCAP), presents a pioneering exploration in her three-volume book series
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Disrupting the Intergenerational Trauma Cycle of High Conflict Divorce
Alyse Price Tobler | English, 2024
A Guide for Mental Health Practitioners and Adult Child Survivors of Child Psychological-Abuse: Severe Parental Alienation.
Dr. Alyse Price-Tobler’s groundbreaking research delves into the challenges faced by adult-child survivors of severe parental alienation (SPA) resulting from intense custody conflicts. This study highlights the lack of understanding among mental health practitioners regarding child psychological abuse and high conflict divorce, emphasizing the need for targeted professional development and evidence-based treatment protocols.
Volume One of the twin PhD study provides a comprehensive examination of SPA’s impact on survivors and practitioners, setting the stage for further insights. The research also uncovers a potential new specific phobia variant among SPA survivors who have experienced factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIOA) and child abduction. Furthermore, the study explores potential correlations between SPA and autoimmune diseases and cancers, opening doors for future research into the complex relationship between SPA and mental and physical health.
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Parental Alienation: Science and Law
Demosthenes Lorandos & William Bernet | Polish, 2023
Polish translation.
Parental Alienation – Science and Law explains the research that creates the foundation for the assessment, identification, and intervention in cases of parental alienation (PA). For attorneys, judges, and family law professionals, this book explains in detail the scientific basis for testimony and legal decisions that relate to PA. There are two complementary features for most of the chapters. First, the chapter authors address how evidence regarding PA meets Frye, Daubert, and Mohan criteria. The second feature is to refute common misinformation. The editors of this book are concerned that some of the discourse regarding PA has spun out of control, into pervasive misinformation. This book provides abundant information for correcting and counteracting misinformation.
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Miaz’s Missing Piece
M. B. Aizaz | English, 2024
Join Miaz as he navigates through hard emotions, grappling with the complexities of his changing family dynamics. Miaz's Missing Piece is a heartwarming tale of belief, reminding us that even in the darkest times, faith can illuminate the way forward when we place our trust in something greater than ourselves.
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Julebord: The Holiday Party
David Øybo | English, 2023
This book, Julebord: The Holiday Party, is an intriguing story about a murder mystery set in Norway. Although the book alludes to how one of the principal characters had been affected by parental alienation in his childhood, that is not the central narrative. The chief investigator of the town wonders whether any of the doctors working in a small rural hospital might be linked to the gruesome discovery made after their annual holiday party.
Parental Alienation: A Contemporary Guide for Parents, Practitioners, and Policymakers
Benjamin A. Hine | English, 2023
The author (from the United Kingdom) defines parental alienation, evaluates its prevalence, and examines the controversies that encircle it. The author critically analyses the psychological, societal, and power dynamics that contribute to parental alienation.
Parental Alienation Unmasked: Understanding, Coping, and Moving Forward as a Family
David R. Shubert | English, 2023
This book explains the impact of parental alienation on families and children. The author navigates the complexities with practical resources, empowering readers to seek positive resolutions. The author helps alienated parents take charge of combating this destructive phenomenon.
Attachment-Led Theory and Practice in Parental Alienation
Stuart Graham | English, 2023
The author (from the United Kingdom) has also created a complementary video course for continuing professional development on the same topic. In both the book and the videos, Stuart Graham presents a step-by-step approach for understanding parental alienation theory. This is a complex topic with many nuances, which Mr. Graham addresses in a systematic manner.
The Judas Kiss: Growing Beyond Betrayal
John Brownlee | English, 2021
In The Judas Kiss: Growing Beyond Betrayal, family therapist and leadership development consultant John Brownlee draws on his clinical expertise to show us how we can overcome our pain and begin to heal. In this practical, common-sense book, he also teaches us how to spot betrayers sooner the next time―because there will be a next time. Brownlee goes deep into the multigenerational aspects of betrayal, touching on both its roots in our ancestors and its impact on our children and grandchildren. He offers hope and useful suggestions to help us soften potentially harmful effects on the family so future generations don’t repeat damaging patterns.
The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and Best Interest of the Child
José Manuel de Torres Perea, Edward Kruk, Margarita Ortiz-Tallo | English, 2021
With expert contributions from psychological, sociological, and legal perspectives, it offers scientific analysis and debate on whether the best interests of the child should be the primary consideration in deciding child custody cases in cases of divorce or separation or whether it should be one of several primary considerations. This book explores complex dilemmas inherent in shared parenting and whether the advantages it offers children are sufficient when compared to attributing custody to one parent and limiting visitation rights of the other. Cutting-edge topics explored include: transnational shared parenting; alternative dispute resolution; breastfeeding parents; religious disputes between parents and the psychological, social and economic factors that affect shared parenting. The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and Best Interest of the Child will be essential reading for scholars and graduate students in law, psychology, sociology, and economics interested in shared parenting and family law.
Diagnosing Parental Alienation: The Five-Factor Model Workbook
Petra Deeter | English, 2021
Parents who are targets of parental alienation often struggle to understand what they are dealing with, let alone how to prove their case. This book explains how the Five-Factor Model can be used to diagnose parental alienation and how you should document and keep evidence so that your case is well structured and thorough.
Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment
Beth Miller, Amy Armstrong, Mary Funari | English, 2021
Real-Time Parenting is the antidote to our comparison culture. Parents increase self-awareness and develop trust in themselves by taking inventory of their personality, values, and past experiences. They craft a unique vision for their family and choose action steps to meet their children’s needs in the heat of everyday moments. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Real-Time Parenting is written by three parent coaches who understand the demands of parenthood and empower moms and dads to discover their personal best. Through stories and practice, they respond to their family with intention instead of reacting from stress. They build self-confidence as they embrace a positive mindset, celebrate wins, and engage with a supportive community.
You’re Not Crazy: Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation
Lynn Steinberg | English, 2021
This book was written for the alienated parent, whether in the beginning or advanced stages. So many reactions, such as: “You must have done something to your son/daughter to have caused them to not talk to you” “When people get divorced, the blame is 50/50; so what did YOU do?” In therapy: “You have to listen to your son/daughter without getting defensive or telling them what they are saying is not true. It is their reality!” “Your child is old enough to choose not to live with you”, at times said when the child is 11, 12, 13, 14 and up years of age! Children cannot drive, drink, vote and do many other things until they reach a certain age. Why is a brainwashed child legally supported in rejecting a once beloved parent? “Your son/daughter is an adult. They couldn’t still be under the influence of the other parent and his/her family” The answer to all the above is “ALL OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE FALSE, FALSE, FALSE!” Parental alienation is child abuse. It is time for the courts, attorneys, guardians ad litem, child protection personnel, psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians, families and friends to recognize it for what it is and put a stop to it.
Litigating Parental Alienation: Evaluating and Presenting an Effective Case in Court
Ashish Joshi | English, 2021
There is no doubt that parental alienation exists and that U.S. courts have acknowledged the concept, although the theory can sometimes be misused. This practitioner’s manual provides an overview of the concept of parental alienation and explains how to correctly handle it in court. “Hands-on” practice pointers and sample materials on litigating parental alienation make this an essential resource for the family lawyer. This book focuses on one of the most important issues that our legal system confronts: the rights of children. More broadly, this book informs and guides trial lawyers whose cases involve emotion-laden issues, and the need for science-based evidence. Litigating Parental Alienation provides an in-depth examination of evaluating a case of parental alienation and practical guidance for handling a case in court. As these cases involve not just family law practitioners, this book offers science, case law, and practice pointers for guardians ad litem, family court judges, referees, minors’ counsel, and custody evaluators.
From Heartbreak to Healing: Resolving Parental Alienation
Cara E. Koch | English, 2020
Do you know that children are being damaged for life by being turned against one of their parents in the frequently unrecognized brainwashing process called parental alienation? Did you know that it is a form of emotional child abuse? When alienation happens, three core messages are generated: (1) The other parent abandoned and does not love the child. (2) The other parent is dangerous and cannot be counted on. (3) The child is totally dependent on the alienating parent. Therefore, a child’s emotional separation from the alienated parent is seeded and fueled by untruths from the other parent. From Heartbreak to Healing reveals the consequences of and shares a guide map of what to do if this is happening to you.
Parental Alienation — Science and Law
Demosthenes Lorandos, William Bernet | English, 2020
Parental Alienation – Science and Law explains the research that creates the foundation for the assessment, identification, and intervention in cases of parental alienation (PA). For attorneys, judges, and family law professionals, this book explains in detail the scientific basis for testimony and legal decisions that relate to PA. There are two complementary features for most of the chapters. First, the chapter authors address how evidence regarding PA meets Frye, Daubert, and Mohan criteria. The second feature is to refute common misinformation. The editors of this book are concerned that some of the discourse regarding PA has spun out of control, into pervasive misinformation. This book provides abundant information for correcting and counteracting misinformation.