Books by PASG Members

Many PASG members are faculty members of universities in the United States and other countries. They have engaged in extensive clinical work and research regarding parental alienation. As a group, they have published hundreds of scholarly papers, book chapters, and books, some of which are listed here. The inclusion of any book on this website does not confer approval of the book or its author by the PASG Board of Directors.

English PASG Website English PASG Website

Abuse & Betrayal: The Cautionary True Story of Divorce, Mistakes, Lies and Legal Abuse

Richard Joseph | English, 2014

Abuse & Betrayal is author Richard Joseph’s deeply personal autobiographical account of his experiences with marriage, divorce, and the effects of his ex-wife’s behavior. Sure to strike a chord with anyone who has ever been in a dysfunctional relationship or divorce situation, it follows the couple from happy beginnings to their tumultuous divorce, and describes the abuse and alienation Richard faced during and after the marriage.

Richard’s narration touches upon sensitive topics such as the emergence of his ex-wife’s narcissistic personality, her obsession with status, and the inappropriate behavior she exhibited. But the most raw and exposed of his passages are those dedicated to describing his ex-wife’s attempts at alienating him from his daughters, which makes Abuse & Betrayal a story not just about Richard’s divorce, but also about his feelings and efforts toward parenting and fatherhood.

Filling a void in the media market, Abuse & Betrayal delivers a story uniquely told from the male perspective and draws attention to important issues that too often get swept under the rug. Through Richard’s encounters with lawyers, the courts, and prison, it raises questions about the fairness of the divorce process in our country and speaks to the biases in the legal and judicial systems.

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