Books by PASG Members
Many PASG members are faculty members of universities in the United States and other countries. They have engaged in extensive clinical work and research regarding parental alienation. As a group, they have published hundreds of scholarly papers, book chapters, and books, some of which are listed here. The inclusion of any book on this website does not confer approval of the book or its author by the PASG Board of Directors.
Cross Examining Experts in the Behavioral Sciences
Terence Campbell, Demosthenes Lorandos | English, 2001
Cross Examining Experts in the Behavioral Sciences provides step-by-step guidance on how to refute behavioral scientists’ conjecture and speculation to ensure favorable rulings on Daubert, Kuhmo Tire and Frye standards. This set integrates hundreds of questioning strategies and actual questions to help you save time preparing your cases. It helps you keep pace with the fastest growing area of expert witness work with: Demonstrations on how to examine and challenge the expertise of mental health experts and the use of psychological tests Examinations of both the scientific research and the legal aspects behind a mental health expert’s testimony.